Monday, August 29, 2011

Warriors, the Power of Three: 3 Shocking Revelations Revealed!


I stayed up really late last night finishing the third Warriors series.  Consequently, I was dead tired today.  Was it worth it?  Definitely!  All these shocking truths were finally revealed!

1. Hollyleaf killed Ashfur!
2. Hollyleaf was never one of the chosen three!
3. Leafpool was really Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf's mother! ..........wait...what?

THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!  Okay, I kind of saw that one coming.  There were a lot of subtle hints leading up to that.  But still, it just doesn't make sense that no one would realize that Leafpool was about to have kits.  I mean, think about it.  Squirrelflight's expecting kits and isn't getting bigger at all.  Leafpool is not expecting kits and she is getting bigger.  One day, Squirrelflight and Leafpool come home with kits and somehow Leafpool has lost all that weight in record time.  And then, Squirrelflight's milk doesn't come.  HONESTLY, HOW OBVIOUS CAN YOU GET!?  No cat in the Clan would be stupid enough to fall for it!  It just doesn't make sense that they were able to keep it secret for so long.

Besides for that mega hole in the entire plot, I was impressed.  I enjoyed the series immensely, perhaps even more so than the first series.  I'll definitely be reading the next series, Omen of the Stars, so look forward to me writing my thoughts on that!
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Gloom of the College App

I forgot to order my pre-paid game card for WoW and now I am bored out of my mind, lol.

School is going well.  I had to switch out of my AP Biology class because, let's face it, science is NOT my strongest subject and I wasn't understanding the curriculum.  So now I'm in Earth Science instead, which is a whole lot simpler that AP Bio.  Next week we're going to be simulating the erosion of rock, which is pretty cool.

Anyway, considering that I'm going to be an English and East Asian Studies major, it's not really necessary for me to take an AP Science class, right?  I'm just hoping it doesn't affect my transcript...

I heard that colleges want high school students to have at least 5 AP classes on their transcript.  That's right, 5 AP classes!  At the minimum!  Is that a joke?  Seriously, how are high school students supposed to manage 5 AP classes, tons of extracurriculars, and volunteer work all at the same time?  Forget that; how is a high school student supposed to manage 5 AP classes period?  If you can, well, I am deeply impressed and wish I was you.  It took all I had just to make an A in my one AP class last year; there's no way I could make A's in 5+!

*Sigh* It's hard to make yourself look good on the college app when you're not quite sure what you're up against.  I really can't imagine the average high school student taking 5+ AP classes and acing all of them (and if they were, wouldn't the college get a little suspicious?  If all their applicants are getting A's in 5+ AP classes, chances are the AP classes are incredibly easy.)  I also can't imagine applicants having tons of volunteer experience under their belt and being part of 5+ extracurriculars (is 5 the magic number for colleges or something?) on top of acing all their AP classes.  Oh yeah, and having "special talents" on top of that.  And let's not forget that anything below a 3.6 GPA is complete and utter failure, unless you're trying to get accepted at a party school.

It seems like I'm always hearing and reading so much about what you have to do to get into a good college.  It just seems so...unrealistic.  I can't imagine the average college candidate being that perfect.  On the other hand, I feel that if I don't strive for that absolute perfection, there's no way I can get accepted into my first choice college.

Rrrrrrgh...this college stuff is such a pain.  It consumes my every thought.  It's like this big, black cloud of darkness hanging over my head, sucking the life out of me.  <--Over-dramatization of the matter, lol, but sometimes it kind of feels like that.

My first application needs to be submitted by November 15, which is only a couple of months from now.  Usually that's the deadline for Early Decision, but apparently the deadline for applicants applying for the merit scholarship is then, too.  So now I am getting books on the College Application Letter.  I heard that THAT'S what will make or break you.  Even if you have a flawless GPA, if your essay sucks you still might not get in!  So if it can influence you for the worst, perhaps it can influence me for the better.

Anyway, this is my first choice college that I will be applying for, so I want to do really awesome on my application letter.  Wish me luck!
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Senior Year

Tomorrow (I guess today, since it's after midnight now) is the start of my senior year of high school.  Personally, I'm quite glad to be going back to school.  Summer break lasted like, 3 months this year.  I couldn't wait for school to start so I could have something to do!  On the other hand, I suppose I kind of needed that long break, what with my hectic junior year.  Seriously, between studying for three different standardized tests, memorizing dozens of psychological terms in my AP class, and spending FOREVER trying to understand physics techniques when I had literally no grasp of trig or word problems, it would be an underestimate to say that I was worn out.  Thank God that's over; I do NOT want to relive that nightmare again.  Honestly, junior year was a living hell.

Hopefully senior year is better (fingers crossed!)

I'm taking a lot of honors and AP classes this year.  Let me amend that: all my core classes are AP or honors.  The only classes that are not AP or honors are my electives, and that's only because they didn't offer AP or honors for that.  I'm taking AP science, AP math, and honors grammar.  And (drum roll, please) I am also taking a class at the college through Concurrent Enrollment!  I'm taking Japanese Language I.  I've wanted to learn Japanese for a long time, so I'm very excited.  On top of being my top ranked elective, it's also supposed to look good on my transcript (which is also why I'm taking so many AP and honors classes).  Considering my low/average GPA and the fact that I had to drop out of physics after the first semester, I need all the help I can get.

I've heard that colleges put the most emphasize on your junior grades.  I'm really hoping that that's true, because despite my lousy grades from my freshman year, I got all A's my entire junior year (except for physics, in which I got a C despite the fact that I studied 3+ hours every day...and 4+ hours on weekends!)  I also heard they like to see improving grades.  My grades have improved tremendously over the past couple years, so hopefully they'll be looking at that, too!

But enough about grades.  This year I plan to get involved in lots of extracurriculars.  I hear colleges really want students who are "involved".  Unfortunately, for 3/4 of my high school career I was way too busy building my life around my stupid egocentric boyfriend to care about things like extracurriculars.  (Ultimately he dumped me, which caused me to enter a state of deep depression for longer than I'd like to admit.  On the bright side, at least now I can focus on more productive endeavors and don't have to worry about satisfying his every whim, so I guess all's well that ends well.)

Anyway, because I basically wasted my high school life on He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, I feel like I totally missed out on high school!  I go to high school online, but we still have social events and stuff (all of which I MISSED!!!)  I managed to go to two events after my idiot ex dumped me, but that's it.  This year I plan on squeezing every last drop of excitement I can out of my senior year.  I want the true...SENIOR EXPERIENCE!  *da da dum*
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Monday, August 22, 2011


Hello everyone, my name's Katie.  This is my first post.  It is about me in general and what this blog will be about.

So about me.  I'm a senior in high school.  I enjoy anime, gaming, manga, Korean dramas, Japanese culture, movies, books, the Beatles, and all sorts of other things.  I'm a high achiever.  I spend the majority of my time studying because I really messed up my GPA my freshman year.  I've been trying ever since to bring it up and managed to get all A's last semester (yay!)  My biggest desire in life is to be a successful person.  Currently my #1 goal is to get accepted at my first choice college, so I'm working super hard towards that!  When I go to college, I want to do a double major in English and East Asian Studies.

Because I want to be an English major, I have been trying to extend my vocabulary, which explains why my blog has a rather unusual name.  For those of you who are curious, "inaniloquent" is an adjective meaning "to speak nonsense profusely".  It comes from the words "inane", meaning "meaningless", and "loquacious", which means "to talk a lot".  That's exactly what this blog is going to be about!  Basically, I'm just going to talk about things I like, school, college, random observations, etc.  Hopefully it'll have things that every high school student can relate to.

On that note, I hope you enjoy.  Happy reading!
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