I stayed up really late last night finishing the third Warriors series. Consequently, I was dead tired today. Was it worth it? Definitely! All these shocking truths were finally revealed!
1. Hollyleaf killed Ashfur!
2. Hollyleaf was never one of the chosen three!
3. Leafpool was really Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf's mother! ..........wait...what?
THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Okay, I kind of saw that one coming. There were a lot of subtle hints leading up to that. But still, it just doesn't make sense that no one would realize that Leafpool was about to have kits. I mean, think about it. Squirrelflight's expecting kits and isn't getting bigger at all. Leafpool is not expecting kits and she is getting bigger. One day, Squirrelflight and Leafpool come home with kits and somehow Leafpool has lost all that weight in record time. And then, Squirrelflight's milk doesn't come. HONESTLY, HOW OBVIOUS CAN YOU GET!? No cat in the Clan would be stupid enough to fall for it! It just doesn't make sense that they were able to keep it secret for so long.
Besides for that mega hole in the entire plot, I was impressed. I enjoyed the series immensely, perhaps even more so than the first series. I'll definitely be reading the next series, Omen of the Stars, so look forward to me writing my thoughts on that!
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I stayed up really late last night finishing the third Warriors series. Consequently, I was dead tired today. Was it worth it? Definitely! All these shocking truths were finally revealed!
1. Hollyleaf killed Ashfur!
2. Hollyleaf was never one of the chosen three!
3. Leafpool was really Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf's mother! ..........wait...what?
THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! Okay, I kind of saw that one coming. There were a lot of subtle hints leading up to that. But still, it just doesn't make sense that no one would realize that Leafpool was about to have kits. I mean, think about it. Squirrelflight's expecting kits and isn't getting bigger at all. Leafpool is not expecting kits and she is getting bigger. One day, Squirrelflight and Leafpool come home with kits and somehow Leafpool has lost all that weight in record time. And then, Squirrelflight's milk doesn't come. HONESTLY, HOW OBVIOUS CAN YOU GET!? No cat in the Clan would be stupid enough to fall for it! It just doesn't make sense that they were able to keep it secret for so long.
Besides for that mega hole in the entire plot, I was impressed. I enjoyed the series immensely, perhaps even more so than the first series. I'll definitely be reading the next series, Omen of the Stars, so look forward to me writing my thoughts on that!