I've spent all day emailing colleges. Of course, the reason I had to do this today anyway is because nearly every single college I applied to has made a mistake with my application. Like, a few colleges are missing one or more items, despite the fact that they downloaded these items in January directly from the Common App (ironically, my other materials that they downloaded that very same day are included in my file). Other colleges have forgotten to send me my applicant portal information, so I can't check to see what materials they do and don't have. Still others have mis-entered the information they put in my file, such as the one college that put me down as a transfer student despite the fact that it clearly stated "First-Year" on both my application and supplement. Seriously, are you freaking kidding me!?!?!
And good luck if you want the colleges to point missing materials out to you. Because apparently, colleges are too incompetent to even do that. (One of the colleges I applied to last year was missing one of my required materials and I never even knew until I reapplied this year. Makes me wonder if that was why I was rejected...)
I hate incompetence!! *bangs fist on table* ALL COLLEGES ARE INCOMPETENT!!!!!!!!! It's so irritating! Seriously, I'm completely scatterbrained every day of my life, yet even I typically make less mistakes than these colleges! Am I just having bad luck here, or do all applicants experience this?
Oh, and some colleges also seem to have an inability to answer emails, and even though I emailed them today, I'm most likely going to have to eventually email and call these particular colleges EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY if I want a reply. And yes, I've had to do that in the past. In order to get a reply from some colleges, I have to basically stalk the admissions office! This problem seems to have little to do with the application reading season; I've had some colleges repeatedly ignore my emails in October (and September, and November, and December...)
And eventually you just feel all, "WTF, I spent months dedicating my life to their application and stupid essay prompts and this is the kind of treatment I get!?!?! Fuck them!" But you don't actually say that because you realize if you do, all that time you spent on those essays was for naught. So in the end, you pour even more time and energy into trying to correct mistakes that they made, even though you're probably going to be rejected in the end anyway.
You know, Scripps leaked my personal information last year. Not to say that I've experienced all of the above problems with Scripps, but I shouldn't be having any trouble in reapplying to Scripps. In fact, if I knew the names of the other people whose identity was also compromised, I would group sue and DEMAND admission and free tuition as compensation for putting me at risk for identity theft!!!!!!!
Is that even possible? Whatever, it doesn't matter! This is a perfect example of the incompetence of colleges!
ARRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! (╯°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻