Monday, September 5, 2011

3-Day Weekends Aren't for Relaxing...

...they're for finishing the stuff you haven't gotten around to doing yet.  For example, if you've been busy with school (like me), now would be the time to start writing that college essay or start studying for the ACT.  Playing World of Warcraft or watching anime all day in your bunny slippers can wait.

Perhaps you think I'm an ergomaniac.  However, I prefer the term "high achiever."

Think about it.  No one ever got anywhere by sitting around having fun all day.  If you want to be successful, you have to WORK towards it.  Did Thomas Edison invent the lightbulb by playing video games?  (I'm fairly sure he would not have been doing this, even if video games did exist back then.)  Did Einstein discover that E=MC^2 by watching football?  No, they did not.  Success comes to those who work towards it, not those who sit around waiting for a genius revelation to hit them.

I'm not saying that you should never take time off.  If you have been incredibly overworked it's probably NOT  good idea to do extra work over the 3-day weekend.  The last thing you want is to crack under pressure during the week.  I'm just saying that, if at all possible, it's probably a good idea to use a 3-day weekend to do all that stuff you've been meaning to do.  Not only do you get that stuff out of the way, but you can also start the week with a feeling of accomplishment.

You're probably wondering what I achieved Labor Day Weekend.  Well, for starters, I leveled up my Night Elf Druid to 15.  Only I had to do it twice because the first time I accidentally chose the wrong animal blessing for The Ritual Bond quest.

JUST KIDDING!!!  Although that really did happen, I waited until I got other, more pressing matters finished before I logged on to WoW.  I finished my AP Stats homework, started studying for the ACT, straightened up my room and desk, started filling out my brag sheet, neatly organized all my email for the past 2 years into folders, etc.

Yeah, I actually made a to-do list for the things I wanted to get done on Labor Day Weekend, haha.  But now I can enter the coming week with a sense of SUCCESS and ACCOMPLISHMENT.  (Totally picturing myself on a golden pedestal with colorful streamers going off on either side of me, lol.)


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