Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh Wellesley, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

I'm so depressed and have spent the past 35 hours crying almost nonstop.  After stalking the Wellesley forums on College Confidential, looking at their website every spare moment, and imagining how awesome my life would be as a Wellesley girl, I am thoroughly crushed that Wellesley flat out rejected me.

To put things into perspective, these are a list of Wellesley's Early Evaluation decisions...
Likely: Unless you kill someone or fail all your classes, you will definitely be admitted in March
Possibly: 20% of possiblies are admitted in March
Unlikely: Under no circumstance will you be accepted in March.

I got an unlikely T_T

Perhaps I should have seen it coming with my 3.4 GPA.  But I really thought that Wellesley looked at the person as a whole.  I thought they would see my strong upward trend and how hard I've worked to make up for those first three semesters.  I guess not.  *Pause*  Apparently, I have been quite mislead by Wellesley's "holistic" BS and should never have been expecting a possibly, because obviously the only thing Wellesley cares about is GPA and test scores.  That's right, we're all supposed to be freaking robots who have never, ever made a mistake in our entire lives, because apparently that's all colleges care about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  <--Totally freaking out

Let me tell you how exactly this traumatic event happened.  So here I was, sitting at my computer desk yesterday at 2:55.  I had just woken up from a dream where Wellesley called me about getting a likely.  See, I was taking a nap because I hadn't slept at all the previous night due to my excitement about my Wellesley decision.  Seriously, I had been talking about it NONSTOP since January 1st, and today was finally the day!  Anyway, the Wellesley login page is taking for-ev-er to load, and it's doing nothing for my anxiety.  I finally get logged in at exactly 3:00PM.  I eagerly click the button titled "Evaluation," totally expecting a possibly.  Imagine my surprise when I see the following message:
Dear (name),

The Board of Admission had completed its Early Evaluation deliberations, and I am sorry to inform you that it is unlikely that you will be admitted in the spring.  I know this is disappointing news, especially since you expressed an early interest in Wellesley.  Admission to Wellesley will be especially competitive this year given the large and very talented applicant pool.

You will receive notification of your admission decision in late March.  We appreciate all the work you have done throughout high school as well as the time and care you have taken to present us with your credentials.

I hope this early information will be helpful in your college planning.  All the members of the Board of Admission are grateful for you interest in Wellesley and wish you the best as you pursue your education.


Jennifer C. Desjarlais
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid

It was like a bad scene out of an anime.  Everything turns black and white as I stare at the screen.  Then the next thing you know I'm crying dejectedly in the corner.

And just to make matters worse, I was the only one on the Wellesley EE College Confidential forum this year that got an unlikely.  The only one.  On the forum that I created.

WELLESLEY, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME!?!?!?  After all I did, how hard I've worked to bring up my GPA, how much passion I put into your Why Wellesley essay, you don't even see fit to give me a possibly?  WHYYYYYYY?

And what's with saying that admission is "especially competitive this year given the large and very talented applicant pool"?  Isn't that like saying, "We're sorry, but you can't compete with our large and very talented applicant pool"?  That's just insulting.

Well gee, thanks, Wellesley.  Thanks for CRUSHING MY DREAMS.  Thanks for tossing my application aside without a second thought.  Thanks for paying no attention to my upward trend, or my recommendations, or my essays (if you even read them).  And thanks for the rejection letter where you more or less insult me.  Yeah, f#$% you, too.

*Cries dejectedly*
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