Friday, January 25, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons

Grrrrr...I was rejected from Smith AGAIN!!!  I mean, seriously!?  After all the supplementary materials, all those hours spent perfecting every miniscule detail of my essays, all my undying passion, all the obsessive stalker-like calling, I was STILL rejected!!!!

It's not a complete surprise...even though I polished up my app so hard that it literally GLITTERED (trust me, if it's possible to turn a college application into bling, I have done it! *dramatic music*), my GPA and APs seem to have put me out of the running.  Understandable, I grudgingly admit, that one of the best schools in the country would rather accept the 4.0 student instead of the equally passionate but 3.4 student.

Whatever, it still totally pisses me off!!!! >:(
Really, I would have been great at Smith, if they had given me a chance...

But, life gives you lemons sometimes.  That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it!

*Inspired by Cave Johnson's famous quote. That's right, don't make lemonade; make lemon bombs!
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Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Hard To Write Quality Posts When You've Sold Your Soul To Colleges

After forcing yourself to write the "Why Us?" essay, again, and again, and again for each different college... 
...along with responding to countless other ridiculous essay prompts...
...spending hours contemplating how to respond to these prompts...
...forgoing things like fun, sleep, showers, and food in order to get everything done on time...
...devoting every waking moment to your college apps...
...and trying to summon every ounce of creativity you have in order to somehow inject it in these godforbidden essays... finally realize something.
You have sold your soul to college admissions.

For a chance of being admitted.

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