Monday, December 10, 2012

Accepted at Willamette!!!!!!!!!


I haven't gotten my decision letter yet, so I just called up Willamette again to get the exact date that it was mailed (I wasn't sure if they said Friday 12/07 or Tuesday 12/11 last time I called), and they told me Tuesday.  Then I said, "Oh, okay.  And you're not allowed to tell me my admission decision, right?"  But the lady I was talking to said, "Well, we're not, but I could transfer you to an admissions counselor and they might be able to tell you."  Obviously I jumped at this chance, so I talked to an admissions counselor and by some total miracle I was ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!  And I was like, "N-no way.  Seriously?"  And she said, "Yes, you have been accepted."

This resulted in excessive screaming, cheering, and dancing on my part.  *VICTORY DANCE!*  Willamette was like, second choice on my "realistic list" (does not take into consideration schools like Smith or Scripps or others that are on par with Ivy; those are on "reach list"), so I'm totally PSYCHED!!!!!!!  I have no idea how the hell I got accepted; I was really worried about it because all the people on CC that got accepted this year had a phenomenal GPA.  Like 3.8 UW and 30+ ACT to top.  In fact, when the counselor told me I was accepted, I asked if they had made a mistake since my GPA was so low.  Apparently, even if they made a mistake, they have to accept me anyway .  *Another victory dance*

Maybe my official acceptance letter will provide some clues when I get it, but for right now I'm just really happy that I was accepted!
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

ED II for Smith!

So after a lot of consideration, I decided to apply ED II to Smith.
My pixie cut is currently in an awkward growing out stage -_-"

I spent a lot of time thinking about this!  Like, 15 minutes...but seriously, that's like a century for me!  (The longest I can concentrate on any one thing is 20 minutes tops.)

So I was just sitting at my computer one night, and I suddenly thought, "Hey, I should apply ED II to Smith!"  I was a bit wary because I haven't visited and, you know, I hate commitment and stuff.  But then I read this post on College Confidential that said, "Would you marry someone you'd never met, but only corresponded with, whose picture you saw?"  YES, I WOULD TOTALLY DO THAT!!!!!!!!!  Hence I am now applying ED II for Smith.

As of today, everyone has everything is signed and submitted, so no backing out!

LOL, I'm really excited, but have my fingers crossed that this really was a good idea and not one of those impulsive decisions that actually wasn't a good idea.  (See here.)

Applying ED has given me this sudden burst of motivation.  It's weird, because I know it's nearly impossible for me to get accepted.  I got rejected last year.  The lady at admissions told me it's highly unlikely that I'll get accepted this time.  So why am I even bothering?  I have no idea!  It's like I'm setting myself up for failure, but instead of feeling depressed like I normally would, I feel totally exhilarated!  When I work on my art portfolio now, I actually feel excited instead of the sense of dismalness I was experiencing before.

Conclusion: I've snapped, lol.  Instead of seeing my entire future hanging in the balance, now I just think, "Alright, Smith, do your worst!"  It's like I'm expecting to fail so much that the pressure of succeeding has been lifted for once in my life.

This year, I'm going all out.  I explained extenuating circumstances in my application (something that I wish I had done last year).  I put down better extracurriculars.  I'm submitting an art portfolio and creative writing samples.  Because if Smith is going to reject me again, this time it BETTER be worth it!

Don't get me wrong, even though I'm expecting rejection, I have every intention of going to Smith if I'm accepted.  Smith is my dream school.  It was basically tied with Wellesley last year and was bumped to first choice after Wellesley's completely unsympathetic EE letter.

Do I love Smith?  Do I think I would be a great fit there?  Yes, and yes.  On the other hand, I doubt that I will get accepted merely because my GPA isn't that great and I didn't take many AP classes, and one of my AP classes I failed.  And although all this was all explained in my application, like the lady from admissions said, "It doesn't change the fact that you did get that GPA and you didn't take those APs."

Still, no matter how I look at it, ED is a win-win for me!  ED improves my chances for admission, even if only a little, because I'm competing against a smaller number of applicants.  Combined with my new improved polished application, it might be enough to get me accepted.  So if by some miracle I do get that acceptance letter (estimating that to be a 10%-15% chance), WOO-HOO I SHALL BE DOING MY VICTORY DANCE IN JANUARY!!!!!!!  And if I get rejected, hey, at least I'll know by the end of January so I can move on with my life and don't have until April to get my hopes up. 

Yes, my chances are slim, but here's to hoping I get accepted!  :)  *Ahem* "May the odds be ever in my favor!"  lol
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Some Great Ideas That, in Retrospect, Really Weren't

This is just a quick post, but someday I hope to illustrate this.  You know, when I'm no longer super stressed about Art Portfolio.

Some Great Ideas That, in Retrospect, Really Weren't
1. Watching an R-rated movie at 13.  (At 18 I've obviously watched numerous R-rated films.  This one was and still is the most disturbing movie I've ever watched.)
2. Continuing to go out with Ex-BF simply to irritate Rival because she had slept with him behind my back.  And then I ended up falling for Ex-BF...STUUUUUPID!!!!!!!!!
3. Riding my bike to the library at sunset, without telling anyone where I was going (and almost got lost/abducted/killed in the process).
4.  Deciding to revolve my life around Ex-BF as we would most definitely be getting married in the near future (that is, until we broke up).
5. Getting a pixie cut.  Because now, everyone on the entire planet seems to think I'm a guy.  "Excuse me, sir."  "Sorry, sir."  "Could you get that for me, mister?"  And those are some of the nicer comments.  I've also gotten, "You look like a guy," and, "Wow, you look like my ex-boyfriend!"  I'M NOT A GUY, DAMMIT!!!!!  What do I have to do, wear a sexy nurse outfit or something!?!?!?  (With my luck, they'd probably think I was a cross dressing guy.  Somehow, that's not any better.)
6.  Pulling my safety schools out of a hat senior year.
7. Stretching my gum and having it pop back up like that girl in Willy Wonka.  At 9 I practiced* this numerous times in the mirror until I ended up getting gum in my hair, which resulted in my hair having to be cut and my remaining hair smelling like peanut butter and tree oil for a week.
8. Clicking anything online that said 18+...because at 14, that really meant, "Click me now!"
9. Discovering torrents, then downloading them without any virus or maleware protection.
10. Trying to make a small explosion at 15 with the chemicals I got in my school science kit.  (It didn't work...and as to why this wasn't a good idea, I had dangerous stuff, like acid, in that kit.)

Admittedly, some of my ideas could have worked out better.  But in my defense, I've had plenty of awesome ideas!  Like starting this blog!  Or randomly asking for the autograph of this guy I didn't even know, but he looked like John Lennon!  (I still have that autograph hanging on my wall.)  Because despite my craziness, everything typically works out for the best :)

*When I was younger, my parents would often say that I was a "drama queen" and "acted too over the top."  I thought this meant, "You're a great  actor," and consequently spent a lot of time "practicing" my acting abilities.  Mainly "practicing" consisted of me mimicing people I saw on TV.  I was positive I would be at Hollywood someday, lol.
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Monday, December 3, 2012

A Terrible Nagging

Lately, I've been very worried about my Willamette decision.

Yeah, yeah, the date I'm supposed to get a decision is "on or before December 15."  Thing is, last year people on College Confidential started getting theirs on November 20.  SO WHY'S IT TAKING SO LONG!?!?!?!?

On Friday I called the admissions office because I was so worried.  All they did was tell me (again) that I would get a decision "on or before December 15," and that they have so many applicants this year, and they apologize for the wait, and no the long wait does not mean I was rejected.

I'm usually very optimistic about how everything will just "work out," but as December 15th comes closer and closer, I just keep getting more nervous.  Every time I get the mail, I think, "What's taking them so long?  Could the reason be that I wasn't an appealing applicant, so the person reading my application put it on hold for someone else to look at and I'm going to be REJECTED!?!?!?  OH MY GAWD, WHAT IF IT HAPPENS JUST LIKE LAST YEAR!?!?!?"  *panic panic panic*

-_-" Yeah, I know I'm totally overreacting here.  I really hope I get my decision soon so I can stop worrying.  For me, the fear of failure is almost as bad as the real thing, so right now it's like I'm living through a college rejection EVERY SINGLE DAY.
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