Monday, December 10, 2012

Accepted at Willamette!!!!!!!!!


I haven't gotten my decision letter yet, so I just called up Willamette again to get the exact date that it was mailed (I wasn't sure if they said Friday 12/07 or Tuesday 12/11 last time I called), and they told me Tuesday.  Then I said, "Oh, okay.  And you're not allowed to tell me my admission decision, right?"  But the lady I was talking to said, "Well, we're not, but I could transfer you to an admissions counselor and they might be able to tell you."  Obviously I jumped at this chance, so I talked to an admissions counselor and by some total miracle I was ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!  And I was like, "N-no way.  Seriously?"  And she said, "Yes, you have been accepted."

This resulted in excessive screaming, cheering, and dancing on my part.  *VICTORY DANCE!*  Willamette was like, second choice on my "realistic list" (does not take into consideration schools like Smith or Scripps or others that are on par with Ivy; those are on "reach list"), so I'm totally PSYCHED!!!!!!!  I have no idea how the hell I got accepted; I was really worried about it because all the people on CC that got accepted this year had a phenomenal GPA.  Like 3.8 UW and 30+ ACT to top.  In fact, when the counselor told me I was accepted, I asked if they had made a mistake since my GPA was so low.  Apparently, even if they made a mistake, they have to accept me anyway .  *Another victory dance*

Maybe my official acceptance letter will provide some clues when I get it, but for right now I'm just really happy that I was accepted!


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