Monday, August 22, 2011


Hello everyone, my name's Katie.  This is my first post.  It is about me in general and what this blog will be about.

So about me.  I'm a senior in high school.  I enjoy anime, gaming, manga, Korean dramas, Japanese culture, movies, books, the Beatles, and all sorts of other things.  I'm a high achiever.  I spend the majority of my time studying because I really messed up my GPA my freshman year.  I've been trying ever since to bring it up and managed to get all A's last semester (yay!)  My biggest desire in life is to be a successful person.  Currently my #1 goal is to get accepted at my first choice college, so I'm working super hard towards that!  When I go to college, I want to do a double major in English and East Asian Studies.

Because I want to be an English major, I have been trying to extend my vocabulary, which explains why my blog has a rather unusual name.  For those of you who are curious, "inaniloquent" is an adjective meaning "to speak nonsense profusely".  It comes from the words "inane", meaning "meaningless", and "loquacious", which means "to talk a lot".  That's exactly what this blog is going to be about!  Basically, I'm just going to talk about things I like, school, college, random observations, etc.  Hopefully it'll have things that every high school student can relate to.

On that note, I hope you enjoy.  Happy reading!


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