Friday, March 30, 2012


Well, the results are in, and they are most dismal.

Rejected at...
Bryn Mawr
Mount Holyoke

Accepted at...

In a nutshell, I have been rejected at EVERY SINGLE COLLEGE I WANTED TO GO TO.

This sucks beyond belief.

And to top it off, the three choices I have technically aren't even choices.  Hollins isn't feasible because of the lousy financial aid they gave me.  Not to mention that they don't even offer my major.  Simmons East Asian Studies program is like a bad joke; it offers barely any courses.

If you're reading this, you're probably wondering why I applied to schools that didn't offer/offered barely any classes in my intended major.  Well, when it comes to women's colleges, not a whole lot offer East Asian Studies.  I didn't really have many to choose from, you know?

Anyway, since Hollins is too expensive and Simmons East Asian Studies major sucks, my only real choice right now is Earlham.

This is so depressing.

After spending the past week being completely distraught, I've decided to turn towards my only hope: transferring.  Because frankly, there's absolutely no way I can live for 4 years in a place with co-ed bathrooms that's in the middle of nowhere and has nothing but cornfields surrounding it for miles.  Oh yeah, and let's not forget that I'm trapped on campus because I don't have a car.  This is like my own personal hell, literally.

This might very well be the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

I am in no way trying to give a bad impression of Earlham.  Seriously, they're wonderful academically wise.  The people are super nice, the study abroad program is phenomenal, the dorms are quiet, the classes seem fun, and the professors are cool.  Really, it's the perfect college...if you don't mind a lack of bathroom boundaries and being out in the middle of nowhere for 4 years surrounded with nothing but miles of corn and being unable to leave the campus if you don't have a car.

Unfortunately, those things are kind of a make-or-break deal for me.  Except thereis no breaking of this deal because I have no other options -_-"

*Deep breaths* I'm trying to see things positively, so looking on the bright side: I only have to be there for one year.  And then I can *light shines from heaven on the following word* transfer.

Until then, I need to come up with ways to deal with the above issues.

Problem 1: I don't have a car!  It's not like there's much entertainment off campus (well, besides going to Best Buy...I can literally spend hours in that store without getting bored, lol), but what do I do when I need things?  How do I get lotion, toothpaste, and more importantly food for Sunday nights?

My Intended Solution: The people on campus are really, really nice.  Hopefully someone will understand my dilemma and give me a ride.

Problem 2: Noooo, co-ed bathrooms!  I can't relieve myself if there's a guy in the stall next to me!  Scratch that, I can't relieve myself if a guy's in the same VICINITY!  And what about showers, since the shower stalls are in the same area as the bathrooms?  There's no way I'd take a shower if there was a chance a guy could walk in!

My Intended Solution: At first I considered not taking any showers while I was there.  (They did it in the Middle Ages, right?)  Obviously, that wasn't a very pleasant solution.  So after looking into it, I found that *sigh of relief* Earlham has single-sex flooring.  THANK GOD!!!  Not sure if it's optional for freshman, but fingers crossed that it is.  Otherwise I'm going Medieval, lol.

Problem 3: Corn.  Nothing but corn.  Miles upon miles of corn, corn, and yes, even more corn!  There's barely anywhere to go off the campus because seemingly the entire state of Indiana is a huge corn field.  Not to mention that I don't have a car to even get to the "town."

My Intended Solution: ...there's really not much I can say to this one.  It's actually unlikely that I'll get off campus more than a few times.  Um, maybe I'll get lucky and find someone with a car who also loves hanging out at Best Buy?

*Sigh* Have I mentioned that this whole scenario sucks?

If only Smith had accepted me T_T.  Then again, that's all the more reason to put up with the cons and push through this.  Hopefully I can transfer after a year : (


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