Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Honest Person's Lie

Today I'm blogging about this totally random phrase I've come up with!  I call it "the honest person's lie."

So basically what it is is that you lie without technically lying.  That sounds confusing, but chances are we've all done it one time or another during our lives.  To clarify the definition: when someone asks you a question, instead of actually answering it you just state the obvious while acting/sounding totally appalled.  The person assumes that you are telling them yes or no, but in reality you didn't answer anything at all.
Let's look at some examples, shall we?

             Johnny’s mom: Johnny, did you take your little sister’s favorite doll?
Johnny *looking appalled*: That would be mean!

Person 1: How did you get 100% on that test?  It was really hard!  *Looking at Person 2 suspiciously* Did you cheat?

Person 2 *looking appalled*: Cheating is wrong!

Me: Is something going on between you and your cousin?

Ex-BF *sounding appalled*: She’s my cousin!

See how it works?  I used to pull this all the time when I was younger.  You’re more or less lying, but you’re also being honest by stating something completely obvious.  So you didn’t technically lie.  It’s like this brilliant loophole in honesty, lol.


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