Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cherry Pie: The Answer to All of Life's Miseries

I originally drew this about a week after Ex-BF moved.  I was finally able to finish it once I got my Copic multiliners.  Please don't be too hard on me; this is the first thing I drew with Copic multiliners.

A bit of background on this: the last time I had cherry pie was July 4th, 2008.  Ex-BF spent that entire day at my house.  When he came over, my mom was making homemade cherry pie and had red stains all underneath her fingernails.  She jokingly told him that she had just killed someone; unfortunately, Ex-BF doesn't get jokes, so my mom freaked him out lol.  Every time I see, eat, or think of cherry pie, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Anyway, after Ex-BF moved, I was incredibly depressed.  One night I went grocery shopping with my mom in hopes of getting my mind off it.  As luck would have it, cherry pies were on display in the bakery section.

That's right, during an impulsive act of misery, I decided that's buying and and trying to eat an entire cherry pie in one sitting would someone magically cure my sadness.  And it did...because it turns out that it's difficult to cry while simultaneously trying not to hurl everywhere, lol.


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