Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Problem with Deadlines

When it comes to deadlines, there are two main problems:
1. I procrastinate
2. I forget

I'm currently experiencing the second problem.

Actually, at first it was the first problem, but somehow it developed into the second.

Exactly how did this happen?  Well, for starters, I wasn't sure whether or not I was applying to Kalamazoo because it was unclear if they had a drawing specialization.  In fact, for the majority of the month, I was too lazy to even send an email.  In my defense, I'm typically I'm not this lazy.  I was being so because my to-do list for this month is absolutely crazy.  Within the next six weeks, I need to write 18 essays, finish my art portfolio, get a recommendation letter for my art portfolio, write statements of interest, get interviews done, email about interviews so I can get them done, inquire about application fee waivers, follow up on questions I had emailed colleges...and that was just the beginning.  There was also email to be sorted, laundry to be washed, appointments to be rescheduled...

Just looking at it made me feel worn out.  What was I, Superwoman?  So in conclusion, I felt too overwhelmed to do any of it and spent the majority of time goofing off -_-"  Getting a minor case of the flu, then a stomach bug, also encouraged this.

By Wednesday, I realized the month was almost halfway over and decided that it might be a good idea to start working on some things.  And suddenly BOOM!  I WAS SUCCESSFUL!  By some total miracle I managed to complete almost half my to-do list.  Was it pure motivation?  The 4th medication the doctor tried me on for focus issues?  Divine intervention?  Honestly, who cared!  It was DONE!!!!!

On Thursday I managed to accomplish a few more things.  And by Friday I thought, "Wow, I've been so productive lately, I'm going to take today off!"  Then I spent the entire day drawing and playing Just Dance 2.

Big mistake, because I neglected to fully read my emails.  Meaning I missed the one about the drawing specialiazation, which I didn't really look at until today.  Technically speaking I could do one, so yay!  The required supplemental essays were on my checklist, so no problem there.

Know what wasn't on my checklist?

The art portfolio deadline for Kalamazoo.

So it wasn't until I looked at the website today that I realized the deadline in November 20th.  Now I'm trying really, really hard to complete everything, which is difficult because a lot of stuff isn't done yet.  Yes, even though I spent a good portion of yesterday drawing, that was all "fun" stuff, not "art portfolio" stuff.  Obviously I can't send colleges something like, "I was working so hard on your application that I thought my brain would explode!  Here's a graphic comic strip I did on it!"

Yeah, I'm sure that would roll over really well with admissions. <--being sarcastic

*Sigh* I bet this is how mangaka feel.  Except they have an advantage over me, because they can draw really well and also have assistants.  Lucky.


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