Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Lack of Motivation

Today I'm experiencing a complete lack of motivation.

Unfortunately, today is really the worst day possible for a lack of motivation, since my college application is due today and I still have to finish writing my essay -_-"

Good news: I already have the rough draft done.
Bad news: It seriously needs to be polished.  As in the tone needs to be more consistent.  And I need to decrease the amount of words since it's over the 500 word limit.  And I need to come up with a killer concluding paragraph.  Yeah...basically I more or less need to rewrite the entire thing.

The problem is, I can't motivate myself to do so.  Which is kind of a pain, since it's due tonight and I need to submit it ASAP.  *Sigh*  I just know I'm going to be totally stressed if I don't start doing this right now.  Despite this, I still can't motivate myself.

Yes, you have my permission to call me lazy right now.

See, I've been meaning to write my essay all day.  But then I got distracted by vocaloid videos on Youtube.  And then I decided to eat some Halloween candy, which, me being lactose intolerant, made me feel sick.  By the time I was feeling better, I realized the time and was all, "Shit!  I have a Skype college interview in an hour and I'm in my night clothes and haven't even taken a shower yet!"  Then I just managed to be on time for my interview (which went very well, btw).

My interview ended at 2:30PM.  So do you know what I've been doing for the past 2 hours?

Thinking about how I should be writing my essay -_-"

The thing is, if I had spent the past 2 hours writing my essay instead of thinking about writing it, I'd probably be done by now.  (The irony.)

So here I sit, updating my blog, while mentally trying to motivate myself to write my essay.  I've tried numerous approaches, all of which have failed:
Bribing: If you write your essay, you can play WoW.  (But then I just have an urge to play WoW instead of writing my essay.)
Reasoning: If you don't start writing your essay right now, you're going to feel really stressed later.
Threatening: Write your essay right now or else you shall face eternal shame!  (Actually this doesn't make much sense, but somehow it's working better than the previous two.)

Anyway, here's a vocaloid video that totally demonstrates how I'm feeling right now.  Oddly enough this is motivating me more than any of the above approaches.  Hopefully everything works out for me, too :)


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