Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Darkrooms are Romantic?

So I was watching Parenthood tonight because I wanted to spend some time with my mom and little sister (they're big fans of the show).

I saw the preview for next week's episode, and Sarah is apparently going to kiss the weird photographer guy.  (Big surprise there...I believe Sarah has made out with every male on the TV show who is not directly related to her.)

Anyway, it struck me as odd because they kiss in a darkroom.  You know, where you develop photos?  And to be quite honest, I've never really thought of darkrooms as romantic.  If anything I've always thought darkrooms were a little bit creepy.

To me, a darkroom kind of resembles the torture chamber of a mad scientist.  It's not exactly on my list of Top Places for Romantic Moments.  I'm assuming some people find darkrooms romantic, but if someone tried to kiss me in a darkroom, I'd inadvertently read it as, "Whoa, this place looks like a mad scientist's torture chamber and it's totally turning me on!  Let's make out!"  And that would really creep me out.


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